Food Safety Training for Restaurants

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Food Safety Training for Restaurants
Food Safety Training for Restaurants

Many times it has happened that one restaurant or the other came into light on account of a disease spread through its incompetence. No one wants to be the owner of such a business. Restaurants are such places where there is a huge number of people affected by the food infestation. Not only the customers are affected by that staff member’s mistake but other staff is also on risk. Hence Food Safety Training should be, and is, compulsory for staff members.

Upon completion of the food safety training, the staff is required to refresh their concepts and renew their certification this will help them to add any new information about new techniques or mutated viruses into their existing cognizance. This article will provide useful information on what to teach the managers and staff when carrying out food safety training, and the incentive, as to why they should do it. Also, the importance of renewal of such a certification is emphasized.

There are many topics discussed as food safety training curriculum. The first and foremost thing taught is how to handle food. This is an important and rudimentary part of food business such as restaurants. The growth of bacteria should be either minimized or stopped completely. The staff should, at all times, be covering their hands by wearing gloves. Moreover, the food should be kept in cool temperatures to stop harmful bacteria like salmonella and E. Coli from incubating and using the food as their food to grow and multiply. There should also be aware about hygiene and sanitary practices. The employees are taught how to handle food and wash their hands properly before doing so. The hands should be washed with an anti-bacterial soap preferably and the lavatory of employees and customers should be kept far away from the kitchen.

Satisfactory storage conditions are also a part of the course. Their optimum temperature of most bacteria is taught and how to stop them from growing. The food is to be refrigerated at all times and the meat is to be frozen. The utensils and equipment to be used in cooking, storing and mixing the ingredients must be germfree. The utensils should be washed and sterilized before making a contact with food. Food safety training courses also teach you how to be well prepared for an audit by the health inspector. Since you are operating a restaurant, expect it to happen at any time. You need to insure him with the records and display that you are capable of handling a hygienic environment and

ensure safe food is given out to customers.

Rationale for taking such courses is pretty obvious: It’s mandatory, useful and profitable. The employees should be made aware of such training and should be tested if they carry any lethal diseases before hiring them. They should also be checked if they already have a certification or not. Also, employees should be checked for previous records of contamination and cross-contamination.

Once training is given, it usually runs out in 5 years or less and renewal is mandatory and essential. Each time they get a refresher course, they’ll learn something new that has developed recently.

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